late ukase of the Czar has awakened no less interest than his initiation of The Hague tribunal, and despite the Manchuria and Finland episodes, the world will be disposed to attribute these acts of Nicholas to a sincere desire to minister to the welfare of all the people.
of the philology department of the University of Chicago has been looking into the linguistic conditions of that city, with results that are somewhat astonishing.
oneness of Truth and the harmony existing between all its varied expressions is constantly suggested in the unconscious revelations of our inner life.
A late editorial in the Portland Oregonian which, while relatively courteous and kind, discloses the greatest misapprehension of the teachings of Christian Science, ends with the following lines which speak well for the impression that Christian Scientists are making upon the general public.
If one has failed to reach the end he sought,If out of effort no great good is wrought,It is not failure, if the object beThe betterment of man; for all that heHas done and suffered is but gainTo those who follow seeking to attainThe end he sought.
while earnestly conversing with a fellow-student about the urgent want, seen and felt everywhere outside of Christian Science, the above oft-repeated and overflowing quotation from our text-book brought to me a new burst of light.
Most important of all Christian Science teaching is the understanding of God; for proportionately to this understanding is he realization that divine Love is the only presence and power; through this understanding we gain better health, more patience, increased capacity for enjoyment, purer thoughts, and that love for our neighbor which establishes the brotherhood of man.
It is about a year since I received the blessings of Christian Science, and what a change it has made in my life! In the home where discord and sickness were present, now all is harmony, health, and happiness.
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