A law recently enacted by the Philippine Government provides that one hundred native young men shall be sent to the States every year to be educated and fitted for positions in the insular civil service.
If Christian Science were what many think it is,—a form of hypnotism clad in religious phraseology,—it ought to be condemned by all right thinking people.
often hear it said that Christian people, and even those who make no profession of religion, have remarkable answers to prayer, and students of Christian Science are sometimes asked to explain such occurrences in the light of their understanding of Truth.
splendor of New England's wooded hills, these autumn days, leads one to wonder if the Aurora of the north-land has not escaped the meshes of the night and drifted into milder climes, that our summer might vanish in a dream of color; and in its profusion, its variety, and its delicacy of tints, the fleeting vision has surely brought to all who, having eyes, see, suggestions of that unfading beauty which pertains to the manifestations of Spirit.
with contributions from C. LULU BLACKMAN, EDWIN I. FREEMAN, T. L. CUYLER
When the announcement of the new Concordance to Science and Health was first received, I rejoiced in anticipation and supposed I had measured, in a degree, its scope and possibilities.
That the subject of Christian Science is attracting the attention of many of our people was evidenced by the large number present Thursday evening, September 10, in Farwell Opera House to listen to an address by Judge William G.
Applications for membership with the Mother Church, to be acted upon at the meeting to be held in November for the admission of members, must be in the hands of the Clerk by the 15th of October.
To the many testimonials of truly marvelous healing published in the Christian Science periodicals, I desire to add mine, with the hope that it may be read by some who need the help of Truth as I did before Christian Science lifted me out of my misery, and gave to me perfect health and happiness.
I have made several attempts to give to the Sentinel a statement of the benefits I have received through Christian Science, but did not feel satisfied with what I wrote.
My sister, in a distant city, wrote me that she had for some time suffered from lameness and stiffness of the joints, accompanied by great weakness, which made it difficult for her to rise from a chair, go up and down stairs, and in many other ways caused great inconvenience.
This is my anniversary month, and I think I cannot celebrate it better than by giving my testimony in grateful acknowledgment to the truth and what it has done for me.
I feel that I have waited too long to express my gratitude for all the good that has come to me through Christian Science, and would like to tell how I reached a knowledge of this glorious truth.
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