An account of a beautiful demonstration came in a letter...

An account of a beautiful demonstration came in a letter from a student, which I feel I ought to share with the readers of the Sentinel. It was written from Brandon, Man. The student was employed in the Electric Light Company's building there. He said there were two large doors to the entrance, six feet wide, twelve feet high, and two inches thick, with iron rollers on top. While doing some work in his line, a man entered and the door came off the rollers and fell on his head. The men who saw it said that the door struck him about a foot from the top. Everything seemed dark for a moment, but immediately he declared the Truth. This ever-present Truth thus declared saved him, and he was the first to pick up the door to put it back to its place. Then the rest of the men came to help and told him to go away. He turned to his work, and when they got the door up they wanted to see his head and put something on it, but he said, no; he was all right. The manager, who thought bad results would follow, sent a man to assist him, who said that the accident was enough to kill a man, except one like him (they all knew he was a Christian Scientist). He would look at him and say, "Is not your head painful?" surprised that he could see no change in him. To this he replied, no; and further stated in his letter that he could truthfully say that he did not feel the least bit of pain in any way after the first shock.

The cut in his head was about three inches in length, and in about two days, he states, it was all healed. For all of which he gives thanks to Christian Science, and pours out a most grateful song of thanksgiving to God for His infinite love in unfolding the Truth to our dear Leader, and to the students whom she has instructed, who have gone out to the world with the messages of Truth imparted through her.—Isabella M. Stewart, Toronto, Ont.

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Testimony of Healing
From my earliest remembrance I had trouble with my...
July 31, 1902

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