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Permanently healed of herpes; and able to forgive
Although my parents were not practicing Christian Scientists when I was growing up, they each had had some Christian Science Sunday School experience as children, so they sent my siblings and me to Sunday School on and off for several years. The Sunday School experience was invaluable to me.
As I grew into my later teenage years, I thought less and less about Christian Science because I felt it was too demanding. However, by my mid-twenties I was having a very difficult time in my marriage. My husband and I were musicians working together. He had been unfaithful, and I was struggling with a painful physical problem. The doctor who had been treating me over several months finally told me that it was herpes and the only thing he could do for me was to perform surgery to alleviate the pain. He said I would need surgery every few years, and that there was no known cure. It appeared that my husband’s infidelity had brought on this condition that was classified as a venereal disease. I was very distraught.
At that point, I began to think more and more about my Sunday School years, and thought that Christian Science could heal me. I was humbled by the gravity of the situation and was now receptive to learning more deeply about Christian Science. I thought about Mary Baker Eddy’s amazing revelation of the Science of Christ, which explains our true spiritual being, and her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. My Sunday School teachers had so faithfully emphasized this textbook.
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January 2, 2012 issue
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Shyann Cody, Bill Fabian, Barbara Lee McNabb, Norman C. Hutchinson
Not cursed...blessed
Maike Byrd, Staff Editor
Your freedom from sin – proved step by step
By Sarah Hyatt
Freed from dark sexual thoughts
Name withheld
No longer addicted to pornography
Name withheld
Christian Science opens prison doors
By Gervais Sindayihebura
A spiritual, realistic view of the economy
Michael Pabst, Nathan Talbot, Margaret Rogers, Lyle Young, Mary Trammell
A universal love story
By Curt Wahlberg
Wedding guests
By Matthew Mbah Udeochu
My treehouse healing
By John Monday
God's beautiful world
Eliza Lefebvre
The talent show
Prepared to teach
By Hannah Mensing
Interrupt violence before it happens
Maryl Walters
A cup of salvation
By Kathleen Collins
Teeth in their proper position
Amy Winderl
Shelter the childlikeness in you and others
The Editors