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Not cursed...blessed
The concept of people as sinners is deeply entrenched in society’s thought. In the Bible we find this view of humanity portrayed in the story of Adam and Eve, the mythological first couple, and the curse of hardship and suffering put on them because of their disobedience to God. In this context sin is seen as a transgression of divine law, or an offense against God. Digging in my dictionaries, I found that the root word for sin is related to the German word Sünde, which is described as human behavior that disturbs the relationship between God and man.
As anyone who has ever struggled with “sinful” behavior knows, it often results in feelings of shame, guilt, or unworthiness. However, no matter how you add it up, it is actually not in anyone’s nature to sin because as the image of God, Spirit, each one of us is blessed with dominion over evil. Sentinel founder Mary Baker Eddy gives this encouragement in Science and Health, “To hold yourself superior to sin, because God made you superior to it and governs man, is true wisdom” (p. 231).
Our cover stories this week focus on how to demonstrate more of our pure, spiritual, sinless nature. One man tells how he was freed of thoughts associated with pedophilia and learned during his struggle that it is “when error, or the sin being confronted, seems most overwhelming that you do not give up” (see p. 8). Another person was able to overcome an addiction to pornography (see p. 10). And an author from Africa, who found Christian Science when in prison for theft, left all dishonesty behind and can now rejoice: “I am completely reformed. I do not feel cursed any longer, but blessed by God” (p. 12).
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January 2, 2012 issue
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Shyann Cody, Bill Fabian, Barbara Lee McNabb, Norman C. Hutchinson
Not cursed...blessed
Maike Byrd, Staff Editor
Your freedom from sin – proved step by step
By Sarah Hyatt
Freed from dark sexual thoughts
Name withheld
No longer addicted to pornography
Name withheld
Christian Science opens prison doors
By Gervais Sindayihebura
A spiritual, realistic view of the economy
Michael Pabst, Nathan Talbot, Margaret Rogers, Lyle Young, Mary Trammell
A universal love story
By Curt Wahlberg
Wedding guests
By Matthew Mbah Udeochu
My treehouse healing
By John Monday
God's beautiful world
Eliza Lefebvre
The talent show
Prepared to teach
By Hannah Mensing
Interrupt violence before it happens
Maryl Walters
A cup of salvation
By Kathleen Collins
Teeth in their proper position
Amy Winderl
Shelter the childlikeness in you and others
The Editors