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Andrew Heyward, president of CBS News, sees the media's bias more in terms of the structural needs and limitations of the press [than liberal versus conservative views]. Television, in particular, tends to favor stories about conflict, good and evil.
"It's easier to focus on a human being caught in some sort of a jam," Mr. Heyward says. "I'm not sure we always take the time to do the analysis or get the other point of view because we're in search of the 'grabber' or 'good story.'"
For instance, it's much easier to focus on someone who believes he was cheated by his insurance company than to do a rigorous analysis of the amount of fraud perpetrated on insurance companies and the actuarial pressures they face in order to make a profit.
"Instead, you see a person huddling out in the cold," Heyward says. "That presents as a kind of liberal bias, when in fact it's not a political bias, it's a kind of show biz bias."
Alexandra Marks
Excerpted from
The Christian Science Monitor
June 27, 1997
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May 18, 1998 issue
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To Our Readers
Russ Gerber
with contributions from Margaret Russo, Sandi Justad
items of interest
with contributions from Rabbi Harold Kushner
Life with voids or supermarket tabloids
By Channing Walker
Alexandra Marks
I was having one of those days
By Margaret Welch Dendler
You can't be duplicated
By Eliot Dixon Glaser
What are you entitled to?
By Harriet Barry Schupp
Consumed by guilt?
By Margaret Rogers
Does God still speak to us?
By Tony Lobl
Finding a best friend
By Melinda Mason Powers
Dear Sentinel,
Joy Tchernev
Pain and inflammation eliminated
Pauline D. Jenner
Newborn infant fully recovers
Richard Price with contributions from Connie Price
Swollen gums cured
Patricia L. Duke
Injured eye healed
Liana Zambresky
Babies: how mature are they?
By Kerry Helen Jenkins
Would you like to know God better?
Barbara M. Vining