How Will You Vote?

Working in a political headquarters taught me the importance of voting. Christian Science taught me how to approach voting with spiritual understanding.

Everyone is not exposed firsthand to politics as I was. Probably relatively few have known personally an individual who lost an election in a large metropolitan city by only six votes. My friend told me that the day after the election, while walking the short distance to his office, he encountered a total of eight men he knew— some close friends, others slight acquaintances. Each one stopped to talk, to offer condolences, to apologize for his laxness in not voting. Each had planned to vote for him. Each had been too busy. Apathy, in this instance, had taken its toll: a worthy public servant was probably deprived of serving.

Mrs. Eddy writes, "Many sleep who should keep themselves awake and waken the world." Message to The Mother Church for 1902, p. 17; Apathy is perhaps one of the most used weapons of the carnal mind—a secret influence that could be effective against democratic government unless it is negated by alertness. Those of us who have the priceless privilege of participating in government through the medium of free elections should make the effort to resist animal magnetism, or the belief in an evil mind, which would induce apathy and lull us to sleep.

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October 16, 1976

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