My Brother and Me

One day my big brother came limping into the house. He had been playing football. I could see he felt bad. He said he had sprained his foot.

I told him I would pray to God and He would take care of it. I knew it wouldn't take long, so I hollered out the door, "My brother will be back out in a couple of minutes."

I helped my brother up to our room. I got my Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy and turned to the Lord's Prayer and how she explains it. See Science and Health, pp. 16-17 . It starts out, "Our Father which art in heaven," and Mrs. Eddy explains it this way, "Our Father-Mother God, all-harmonious." I read it out loud. Then I prayed and said, "God, my brother's ankle is not really sprained because You did not make it that way, so it is not that way."

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What Is a Healing?
February 22, 1975

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