Christian Science came into my life after my mother had suffered...

Christian Science came into my life after my mother had suffered from periodic bilious attacks for many years. As time went on, the attacks had become more severe and had caused her much suffering.

During one of these attacks I visited the village library, where I noticed a book entitled Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. I at once felt drawn to this book. At that time I knew nothing about Christian Science. Later I borrowed the book from the library.

As soon as 1 started reading Science and Health, I knew that I had found the truth for which I had been so earnestly seeking. My two sisters also became interested in Christian Science; and "as the three of us continued to study Science and Health, our mother was gradually healed of the bilious attacks. The attacks grew less in intensity' until they finally disappeared. We are grateful for this healing.

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October 29, 1966

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