I became acquainted with Christian Science...

I became acquainted with Christian Science through a very dear friend, but I was so absorbed in materiality that the truths I read fell on barren soil and were forgotten. Several years later another friend loaned me the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and I became deeply interested in the book, frequently reading until midnight. I also attended the Christian Science church services regularly, for I had found a religion that was practical and appealed to my reason. In the twenty years since then, I have joined The Mother Church, received class instruction, and served in a branch church as Reader, clerk, treasurer, and Sunday School teacher. Also I have helped form a Christian Science Society.

I am indebted to Christian Science for much good. The textbook is truly a key to the Scriptures, and my study of it has spiritualized my concept of God, bringing me closer to Him and opening up new and satisfying channels of thought.

I have had many physical healings through Christian Science. Some were instantaneous, and others took time. While attending the Golden Gate International Exposition in San Francisco, I sprained my ankle. A relative was with me when this happened, and as it was difficult to walk, I told my relative that I would spend some time in a Christian Science Reading Room, which was located on the grounds. The pain was very severe during the hour I was there, and I had to work earnestly to see myself as the perfect child of God, as we are taught to do in Christian Science.

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Testimony of Healing
In the darkest time of my life...
April 13, 1957

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