A GREAT  peace comes to one when he learns that the Supreme Being is divine Love. The realization that omnipotent Love is our Father-Mother God, the Mind, the Life of the infinite universe, that nothing is left out of His omnipotent care, causes us to be fearless and to have a constant expectation of good.

Mortals believe that there are many reasons for discord; that there are many things that can keep one from harmony. This is why a mortal is fearful and expects evil rather than good to come into his experience. The attitude of one who knows that God, divine Love, is the only power is the exact opposite of this. Dwelling upon the nature of the one infinite cause as entirely good, he does not accept the mortal belief that sickness, sin, and lack are a part of his life. He sees good as normal and thus experiences good.

"Arbiter" means one who has "absolute power of judging and determining." One student of Christian Science has been greatly blessed by realizing that God, Love, is the divine Arbiter. Thinking of this truth when error was suggesting that something bad was going to come into his experience, he has been lifted above animal magnetism—the belief in the reality of evil—and instead of the operation of evil, much good has come to him. He has learned to start each day with the realization that because divine Love is the Arbiter, he would experience only good that day.

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November 30, 1957

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