Mary Baker Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" says that the Lord's Prayer meets every human need and that if the spiritual consciousness therein indicated is attained, it will instantaneously heal the sick.

At one time someone very dear to a student of Christian Science was critically ill for a long period. As the student earnestly pondered the words, "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven," and their spiritual interpretation, as given by Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health (p. 17),"Enable us to know,—as in heaven, so on earth,—God is omnipotent, supreme," she had a clear realization that no such thing as a fatal illness, or an illness of any kind, could enter God's kingdom, which is everywhere present, or touch the man of His creating, the only man there is. God is Love, and His will for His beloved children is always good. He is omnipotent and supreme, and His will is law. His law is the law of Life, not of death: of health, not of sickness; of harmony, not of inharmony. Sin, disease, and death, being outside His law, must be illusions of the so-called material senses. Having no law to support them, they have in reality no form or substance, but exist only as misconceptions of the supposititious belief of life and intelligence in matter. God's man being spiritual and the expression of all-powerful, ever-present Life, man must be free and well, manifesting Life's activity and perfection always. Through calm and steadfast standing with these truths the student was able to dispel her fear, and the life of the loved one was saved.

A short time thereafter a neighbor who was slightly interested in Christian Science told the student late one night that the doctor had said her husband would die of pneumonia before morning. The husband did not desire Christian Science treatment, and a medical nurse was in attendance. But the wife wanted to know what she could do to help under such circumstances. The student pointed out Mrs. Eddy's words regarding the efficacy of the Lord's Prayer and its spiritual interpretation. She then related the healing of her loved one and shared some of the unfoldment of Truth which had brought it about.

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May 5, 1951

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