Christian Science has been my...

Christian Science has been my only physician for over thirty–five years. When my wife and I returned from a two–hundred–and–sixty–mile vacation trip by car, we discovered that an envelope containing some valuable papers which I had been carrying in my coat pocket had disappeared. We searched the inside of the car thoroughly, but could not find it.

The next day I drove to a secluded spot in the country for quietness and read the Lesson–Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly and worked as we are taught to do in Christian Science. After a while it became very warm where I was, so I moved the car to a shady spot. As I started to spread my blanket on the ground, I spied a greasy envelope. It had fallen from the chassis of the car, and when I opened it, I found that it contained the papers. I was grateful for finding the papers, but far more grateful to have experienced a demonstration of Christian Science.

Several years ago I was doing some construction work. One day I received a severe reprimand for a mistake which someone else had made, and I was told that the one who had made the mistake had told the foreman that I had done it. I was very angry and said that I would settle with him the next day. That evening I became ill with influenza.

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Testimony of Healing
Mary Baker Eddy, our inspired...
March 24, 1951

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