Before becoming acquainted with...

Before becoming acquainted with the teaching of Christian Science I had been very critical of its followers. Then I was led to open the textbook. Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and read the chapter on Prayer. As the light of Truth flooded my consciousness, I was very repentant for the unlovely thoughts I had entertained. It was a great inspiration to learn that God is Love and that the healing power of Christ is present in the world today as in Jesus' time. I was also grateful for the enlightening statement that "prayer is not to be used as a confessional to cancel sin" (ibid., p. 5).

I enrolled our son in the Christian Science Sunday School and destroyed all the medicine I had been using. I then called on a practitioner, expecting to be healed of anemia, for which I had sought the help of many physicians. Within two years I was completely and permanently healed. This healing occurred over sixteen years ago.

A slow healing, but one for which I am deeply grateful, was that of an internal disorder. With the loving help of practitioners and sometimes through my own work, I was sustained for a period of seven years, but the complete healing did not come.

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Testimony of Healing
The privilege of being a student...
March 24, 1951

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