which is divinely logical —reasonable and righteous—is destined to appear, for God governs all and is ever unfolding, at the right time and in the right way, His plan for man.
you give yourselves wholly and irrevocably to the great work of establishing the truth, the gospel, and the Science which are necessary to the salvation of the world from error, sin, disease, and death?
the Discoverer of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, deeply appreciated the significance of David's victory over Goliath is indicated in a passage on <a class="tome-reference"
happy the young student of Christian Science is to learn that the promised Comforter has indeed come! If he is already an earnest Christian, with what eagerness he finds that the commands of his Master, Christ Jesus, can be obeyed in full, for he now sees the way not only to "preach the gospel" but to "heal the sick.
As one becomes a student of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," he sees clearly why Mary Baker Eddy, its author and the revelator of this Science, aptly termed her book the Key to the Scriptures, for in the light of the revealed Christ, Truth, which this book presents, the pages of the Bible become illuminated and take on a deeper and far more spiritual meaning than a mere literal reading of the Scriptures would ever convey.
Contributions are most gratefully accepted by The Mother Church Treasurer from members and friends for the following funds:Promotion and Extension FundRadio FundGeneral FundRelief Fund (For General Relief Purposes)Charitable Institutions Fund(The Christian Science Pleasant View HomeChristian Science Benevolent Association, Chestnut Hill, MassachusettsChristian Science Benevolent Association on Pacific Coast)
For over twenty years Christian Science has been known and loved by me, and during that time I have experienced many healings, which have become as beacon lights glowing with remembrance and pointing the way.
Christian Science has been my only physician for nearly twenty years, and I am most grateful for the physical, mental, and financial healings that have come to my family during that time.
Ruth A. Barley
with contributions from Helen M. Gutheil
During my childhood my father was healed in one Christian Science treatment of a siege of illness from which attending physicians held out no hope of recovery.
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