During the many years I have...

During the many years I have been a student of Christian Science I have had innumerable proofs of its healing, regenerative, and protective power, and it is with profound gratitude for the teachings of Christian Science that I submit this testimony.

Some years ago a problem of poor eyesight presented itself, and it seemed necessary for me to resort to the use of glasses for reading and sewing. I was told that my sight would deteriorate and that as time went on I would need to have my glasses changed. My sight again became troublesome, and this time I realized that I had allowed myself to drift with the current of mortal thought.

With the help of the Concordances to Mrs. Eddy's writings, all that our Leader has written in relation to the spiritual senses was carefully studied, and after a few days it became quite clear to me that since vision is spiritual I could rely solely on Truth and do without my glasses. Error suggested that I would not be able to read the Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly; but I reassured myself with the thought that if at first I could not read a great deal. I could at least think, and that the time usually given to the study of the Lesson-Sermon could be spent in prayer and quiet contemplation of the indestructible spiritual faculties of Mind, which man possesses through reflection.

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Testimony of Healing
I should like to express my gratitude...
November 24, 1951

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