Among the many directions which Mary Baker Eddy gives for healing the sick, perhaps none is more explicit than the following (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 417): "Maintain the facts of Christian Science,—that Spirit is God, and therefore cannot be sick; that what is termed matter cannot be sick; that all causation is Mind, acting through spiritual law. Then hold your ground with the unshaken understanding of Truth and Love, and you will win."

The affirmation that "all causation is Mind, acting through spiritual law" is closely akin to the Master's prayer, beloved of all Christians, which affirms (Matt. 6:13), "Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever." Both are concerned with divine law, through which Mind acts to produce effect—the kingdom—and through which the harmony of God's creation is demonstrated in Christian healing. A dictionary states that power, strength, vigor, energy, and force agree in the idea of ability to do, and Christian Science explains law as spiritual and moral force.

Law is the action, or force, which links cause with effect, and the law through which divine Mind acts to evolve and control its spiritual kingdom is the tender, just, intelligent will of God. Since cause is Spirit, effect is spiritual. Spirit cannot evolve matter; hence matter has no law. God's law is Mind's mandate, and Mind's mandate for man is health, a state of spiritual wholeness, which includes harmony, understanding, fearless freedom, perfection of character, in fact, all the qualities of infinite Spirit.

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May 6, 1950

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