nineteen hundred years ago Paul stood on trial for his life, he whose only purpose in life was to preach and practice the teachings of Christ Jesus.
making a call on a patient one afternoon a Christian Science practitioner found it necessary to back his car through a narrow space in order to re-enter the main thoroughfare.
a court of law the counsel for the defense is in a very strong position when, as he listens to the arguments of the prosecution, he knows that he has in his possession undeniable and provable facts.
The loveliness of music fills this room,Your offering of love and prayer sincere,And may its message be that those who seekShall find the healing Christ, forever here.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Massachusetts, U.
Florence Florine Linder
with contributions from Altya M. Riley
I feel that it is time I paid my tithe of homage, gratitude to God, for Christ Jesus, our Way-shower, for our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and for the blessings I have received in Christian Science.
I wish to give thanks to God for some of the many blessings which have come to me and to my family through the study and application of Christian Science.
While teaching in a far-western city many years ago, I attended a Sunday evening service which was being held in a large and popular Protestant church.
My first written testimony appeared in these periodicals in 1934, and for the blessings, opportunities, and progress which I have enjoyed since that time my grateful thanks are indeed overdue.
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