Tuberculosis healed; many problems solved

As early as my high school days, I found the teachings of the church of my parents neither satisfying nor conclusive. Although Christian Science was presented to me at this time, it was not until the latter part of World War I that I took up the study of it in earnest. Told by the Army physicians that I was afflicted with tuberculosis, I turned to Science for healing and was discharged from the Army with a clear physical record. Aid in this healing was given by various Christian Science Camp Welfare Workers.

Although I was discharged as cured, it was a number of years before the suggestion of tuberculosis was finally eradicated from my consciousness. It was destroyed with the help of practitioners in the various cities to which I traveled.

During the next twenty years I definitely leaned on Christian Science under all conditions, joined The Mother Church and a branch church, and took active part in church activities. To me church activity has been the greatest thing in my life. Under main trying circumstances and temptations, my church membership and its activities have helped me carry on when mortal mind has suggested giving up. Purity, courage, and trust in good derived from continuous church work have cast out many impurities, fears, and doubts through the years.

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Testimony of Healing
Gratitude is vital factor in instantaneous healing
February 19, 1949

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