There is probably no word more frequently on the lips and in the hearts of humanity today than the word "peace." Peace is the desire of millions, the universal quest, and the necessary prelude to better living and a new world. Recovery, adequate production, the approach to normal living, are dependent upon agreement, co-operation, teamwork, unified objective, all of which demand at least a modicum of peace in which to operate. In the midst of much thinking, writing, and speaking, and of many peace plans and conferences, there is frequent warning of the possibility of a third world war. However, many far-seeing people are convinced, and it seems a right conclusion, that we are not in danger of beginning such a war, for the reason that we are already in the midst of it.

The First World War was comparatively narrow and restricted, not only in its physical area, but in its scope and intent. The Second World War enlarged its borders and brought almost every nation of the world into its sweep. Isolationism largely faded, and humanity more fully awakened to the challenge made against its freedom and its very life. Victory for the freedom-loving nations attended both of these great conflicts, but almost as soon as the firing ceased, there began another great struggle, a struggle, both mental and physical, for power between different ideologies. In this struggle contrary political views of many nations, conflicts between races, rivalry between religious groups, have been highlighted.

It is a time for Christian Scientists to remember Paul's words (II Cor. 10:4, 5), "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God." Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, on one occasion said to her followers (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 99): "Men and women of the nineteenth century, are you called to voice a higher order of Science? Then obey this call." And she puts this stirring question to them: "How many are there ready to suffer for a righteous cause, to stand a long siege, lake the front rank, face the foe, and be in the battle every day?"

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July 17, 1948

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