There is probably nothing so vital to the peace of the world as the exercising of that rare virtue, forgiveness. Its demands reach to the very heart of mankind. The faithful demonstration of Christian forbearance and forgiveness is essential to avert the perils of greater cataclysms which threaten.

How strange it is that men strive for peace while having enmity in their hearts toward others! Like charity, peace must begin in one's own consciousness before it can find a response in those who are at strife. When it seems difficult to forgive, is it not because we do not remember that our true selfhood and that of our brother are at one with God? The sensibilities are strained and outraged because of the mortal belief of life in matter, and the sense of strain and outrage can be brought under control only through the holy influence of the impartial love of God for all His children. The poet Pope said, "To err is human; to forgive, divine." The forever unity of God, Spirit, and His likeness, spiritual man, ensures forgiveness in all circumstances where His aid is sought and His commandments are obeyed.

The world may regard a forgiving spirit as a sign of weakness, but one can never forgive a great wrong without earnest prayer and implicit reliance upon divine wisdom and Love. He who has overcome the sense of self when pride, injustice, and resentment would demand retaliation for a wrong committed against him can testify to great growth in strength of character. Obedience to God requires full surrender of human will. And the understanding of God and His perfect law of justice and mercy inevitably reveals that a wrong is not real, because it is not right. When this is realized, forgiveness will naturally follow.

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July 17, 1948

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