After suffering many years from...

After suffering many years from stomach trouble and insomnia, I received a letter from my sister telling of the healing of a brother through the application of Christian Science after three eminent doctors were unable to help him. I had never heard of this Science before. My brother also wrote me, telling of his healing and assuring me that Christian Science could heal me, and he gave me the name of a registered practitioner in the locality I was living in. I went to see the practitioner, had a short interview with him, and decided to have help from him. After I had the first treatment I enjoyed my first night's sleep in many years. The stomach trouble disappeared and has never returned in the twenty years or more since.

After having class instruction, for which I am grateful, I went into the grocery business and remained in the same store for over ten years. It was my first experience in that business, and through the help of Christian Science I was able to make a success of it. I am thankful to God for the protection I experienced during those years in business. Many times when fear and a belief of being separated from our Father-Mother God tempted me, after I read some testimonies in the Christian Science periodicals my spiritual sense was restored, and I realized again my at-one-ment with God.

I wish to express my gratitude for being a member of The Mother Church, and also for membership in a branch church. I am grateful to the many Scientists who have helped me in overcoming what seemed to be a great sense of fear. I hope I may be able to help others to understand God better. To me Christian Science is surely the Comforter. I am grateful for what it is doing for all mankind, and for the many blessings it has given me.—Hugh Lamont, San Francisco, California.

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Testimony of Healing
I did not come to Christian Science...
January 31, 1948

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