an unusually prolonged period of cold weather a student of Christian Science found considerable difficulty in surmounting the belief that the cold was affecting her harmony, and a day came when she was overcome by a severe bout of sickness.
bruising your wings, little bird,The door is open wideFor you to pass outside—Ah, free at last, little bird!"How absurd it should have tried to passThrough the wall.
we mentally or audibly rehearse occurrences that have happened in the past, or that are going on at present, or that threaten to happen in the future?
do students of Christian Science sometimes fail to challenge the aggressive mental suggestions of mortal mind which say that they are not sufficiently advanced to make certain demonstrations over evil?
a student of Christian Science is confronted with what appears to be a problem or inharmonious condition, he immediately turns to the teachings of this Science for a solution.
To ensure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada at least seven weeks before the date of the lecture; elsewhere, as early as possible.
After suffering many years from stomach trouble and insomnia, I received a letter from my sister telling of the healing of a brother through the application of Christian Science after three eminent doctors were unable to help him.
I did not come to Christian Science for healing, but to fill a void left at the passing on about thirty years ago of a brother who had been very close to me.
The healing power of Christian Science has been proved to me in so many ways that I wish to express through the periodicals my gratitude to God for its blessing.
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