ago the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes evaluated pleasures, possessions, and all the work of his hands, only to conclude that all is vanity.
the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," its author, Mary Baker Eddy, gives, in what has come to be known as the trial scene.
One of our members from a far-distant country wrote, "It is a wonderful thing to feel that we, Christian Scientists, constitute a great family the world over.
The teacher of a Christian Science Sunday School class may have occasionally to deal with a pupil who has not yet learned the joy of self-discipline and the benefits to be derived by giving undivided attention to the instruction.
When Christian Science came to our family many years ago, none of us could foresee the tremendous influence for good which it was to bring to every member of the family.
In giving this testimony of healing, I feel I should first express my sincere appreciation to The Christian Science Board of Directors for their kindness in making it possible for me to be a guest at the Christian Science Benevolent Association in Chestnut Hill, and also to the Benevolent Association for the kindness and interest of the management there.
I became interested in Christian Science over five years ago, and the benefits I have received through its study are so numerous that I feel I can no longer delay sending my testimony of gratitude to the periodicals.
A year and a half after I became interested in Christian Science a friend asked me whether or not I had considered joining the Christian Science church.
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