Christian Science
proves through healing that the sicknesses and sins of mankind are not physical in origin, but are the results of false beliefs as to the nature of God and man which comprise the mortal or carnal mind, which Paul defined as enmity against God.
While helping a neighbor build a shed, a Christian Scientist was driving nails in a difficult place and caught part of his hand between the nail and the hammer's head.
viewing a recent news film that recorded the important events which transpired from 1927 to 1947, one was reminded that many of the young men and women who fulfilled their appointed tasks so valiantly during the recent war were children in 1927.
In one of the larger airports a passenger once observed a group of grade-school children, perhaps twenty-five in number, listening attentively to a stewardess who was telling them about the airplanes and their flights.
I did not come to Christian Science for physical healing, but for a better understanding of God: nevertheless, this Science has healed me of many physical ills.
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