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Thought, Prayer, and Action
"The time for thinkers has come," writes Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, on page vii of the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Closely allied to these authoritative words is a statement in an editorial which appeared in the Sentinel: "The time for pray-ers has come." With these inspiring thoughts to guide him, every student of Christian Science should and will consummate his thought and prayer with action. Against the combination of pure thought, prayer, and action, no disease, limitation, or sin can survive.
To watch one's thinking is no small task. It requires alertness, courage, and stability. At times a mighty struggle ensues between the carnal mind, battling for supremacy and right thinking based upon man's God-given dominion.
A Christian Scientist some years ago was called to visit one who was in great need of healing. The woman seemed unable to think beyond her own physical condition. With the hope of counteracting the belief in a power opposed to God, the practitioner finally asked her if the following day, as she sat by the window, she would deny every erroneous condition which she saw on the street. She promised to do so, and proceeded to fortify herself for the surprising task. A few hours of this sort of effort so completely lifted the patient's thought from self that she was greatly improved. She learned through the experience the importance of overcoming and standing guard in the future over all forms of error, one of the most momentous of which, in her plight, was that of selfish thinking. She soon found through this turning of thought away from self that she was lifted into an altitude of thought where things were more clearly discerned and she was better able to pray.
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October 2, 1943 issue
View Issue-
Isolation Overcome
"Nothing is new to Spirit"
"The glow of divine reflection"
Thought, Prayer, and Action
"Let's climb higher"
Outlaw Evil's Claim to Repetition
Paul Stark Seeley
Bringing Forth the New and the Old
Evelyn F. Heywood
God's Way
Christian Science has brought...
Jane Muller
I have every reason to be grateful...
Donald P. Karns
It is with deep gratitude to God...
Mary Rees
Through the study of Christian Science...
Florence C. Saatkamp
Words cannot express my sincere...
Irvin L. Leavy
I wish to express my deep and...
Anna Northrop
From the first words I heard...
Daisy Cynthia Wood
When I was beginning to search...
Helen R. Wasey
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. C. Stott, Charles Nelson Pace