Saul of Tarsus started upon the momentous journey to Damascus, as recorded in the ninth chapter of Acts, he was plainly unconscious of the binding isolation that Pharisaical intolerance and the prideful exclusiveness of caste had imposed upon him.
time for thinkers has come," writes Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, on <a class="tome-reference"
Applications for membership in The Mother Church are acted upon by The Christian Science Board of Directors, twice each year, as provided for by the Manual of The Mother Church, Article XIII, Section 2.
The Christian Science Sunday School has an opportunity and a responsibility that extends beyond the immediate needs of its own pupils to the welfare of the whole community.
I had
not planned it so, but differentlyHad seen the answer to the problem come,And reckoned on its evidence to me;Yet here is the solution to the sumOf all my reckoning.
I have every reason to be grateful to God and to Mary Baker Eddy for the numerous healings that I have both experienced and witnessed through the ministrations of Christian Science.
I wish to express my deep and sincere gratitude for Christian Science and for the many blessings the protection and help, it has unfolded to me and mine for many years.
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