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The Standard in Christian Science
Loyal Christian Scientists regard Mary Baker Eddy as the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. They also understand that the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, contains the final and complete revelation of Truth in this age. Naturally, therefore, they accept Science and Health, in conjunction with the Bible, as the one and only standard for Christian Science teaching and practice. Furthermore, in the Manual of The Mother Church (Art. IV, Sect. 1), referring to the applicant for membership, the By-Law continues as follows: "The Bible, together with Science and Health and other works by Mrs. Eddy, shall be his only textbooks for self-instruction in Christian Science, and for teaching practising metaphysical healing."
In the light of the foregoing it is obvious that any member of The Mother Church who believes that he has progressed beyond Mrs. Eddy in the understanding of Christian Science, or that his statement of its teachings is an improvement on her statement of it, is surely mistaken. He is treading on dangerous ground and is following a path which can only lead to eventual discredit. An awakening to this fact and willingness to retrace his steps in humility and obedience will be necessary to re-establish him upon the firm ground of loyalty and of usefulness to the Cause of Christian Science.
It is true that much has been written and said by lecturers, teachers, and others that has proved helpful to students of Christian Science, but to believe that this could in any way serve as a satisfactory substitute for the teachings of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook would be a great mistake. It would also be an error to believe that books and pamphlets on the subject are required to make plain the statements contained in our Leader's works. Consecrated and persistent study of these works reveals their true meaning and gives the student a firm foundation upon which to base his practice.
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July 12, 1941 issue
View Issue-
"Every human need"
"Millions of unprejudiced minds"
Sickness a Temptation
"When thou hast shut thy door"
Spiritual Vision
"I've enlisted"
In a letter published in a recent issue a clergyman sees...
Paymaster Captain Paul Heather,
In a recent issues of the Woodbury Daily Times, notice is...
Jerome B. Burbank,
Addresses to Non-Christian Scientists
with contributions from James W. Fifield
The Standard in Christian Science
George Shaw Cook
Liberation through Right Thoughts
Alfred Pittman
The Lectures
with contributions from Ruth H. Luther, Martha E. Altwein, Henry Lionel Maude, Ralph R. Shay, Alberta Malotte
Through Christian Science I was saved at the age of...
Ann Margaret Hadley
When I was in boarding school I awoke one morning in...
Margaret Lacey
The practice of Christian Science brings to humanity the...
Asa S. Merrell
During the past ten years we have had a number of...
Irene A. Snyder with contributions from Arthur J. Snyder
I am sincerely grateful for the joy and peace that are...
Geraldine A. Stone with contributions from John F. Stone
My first physical healing, of dyspepsia, came several years...
Nina Farris McMillin
We Pray Thee, Lord
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Roosevelt, Charles E. Shulman, J. L. Newland
A Meeting in the Interest of "Our Impersonal Missionaries"
A. Warren Norton
Christian Science Reading Rooms
By Miss Violet Ker Seymer
The Christian Science Periodicals
Evelyn F. Heywood
The Christian Science Monitor News
Charles E. Gratke
The Christian Science Monitor Advertising
H. D. Whittlesey
Circulation of the Christian Science Publications
Anna E. Herzog