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Things of Importance
In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said many things of vital importance to his fellow men. One of these was (Matthew 6:33), "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Obviously, the Master's intention was to emphasize the supreme value of the spiritual, while assuring his listeners that, in proportion to their righteousness, their needs should be supplied. As was his wont, Jesus courageously and scientifically put first things first—Spirit before matter, spirituality before materiality—pointing out what would result to those who gained the spiritual victory.
Jesus taught men how to enter the kingdom of God. In this connection, two statements of his stand out prominently. To the lawyer who asked him, "tempting him, ... Master, which is the great commandment in the law?" he gave as "the first and great commandment" the following (Matthew 22:35–39): "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind," and declared that "the second is like unto it," namely, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." This teaching of the Master is perfectly plain. It signifies that whoever would enter the kingdom of God—attain to spirituality and harmony—must love God supremely and his neighbor as himself.
Christian Scientists acknowledge this teaching to be true; and because it is true, it can be proved. They therefore endeavor to practice it. Indeed, their effort is to make their whole life conform to it, in the home, in business, the factory, the office—wherever they may be. In their church work, also, they never cease to hold before them the purpose for which the church organization with which they are connected—the Church of Christ, Scientist—exists, namely, to bring the truth about God and His creation before their fellow men, in order that the latter may learn to love God supremely and their neighbor as themselves.
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November 4, 1939 issue
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Fact and Fable
The Way Out
Tending His Vineyard
"What went ye out into the wilderness to see?"
The Language of Science
God's Song
At the Rochester Diocesan Conference, at Caxton Hall,...
Lt.-Col. Robert E. Key, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland
The coupling of Unity to Christian Science "as a sort of...
J. Simmons Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska
In a recent issue of Rogaland there appears an attack on...
Nils A. T. Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway
A résumé of a sermon that appeared in a recent issue...
Louis N. Denniston, Committee on Publication for the State of Connecticut
Things of Importance
Duncan Sinclair
That Which Must Be Learned
Evelyn F. Heywood
The Lectures
with contributions from Thomas E. Hurley, Marie Baldy, Peter V. Ross, Florence S. Smith, Robert Stanley Ross, Elizabeth D. Bigheart, William Duncan Kilpatrick, Winifred Borsom, Hermann S. Hering, Annie Haug, Lucia C. Coulson, Norah D. Robson
With a heart full of gratitude to God, to Christian Science,...
Julia E. Smith with contributions from Stella Smith Warner
It is with a heart overflowing with joy that I write this...
Evelyn Thorburn
It is with the desire to help others as I have been helped...
Olive M. Ziegler with contributions from Gordon L. Ziegler
I began studying Christian Science in 1914, after the...
Minnie Cuthbertson
I am profoundly grateful for Christian Science
Albert J. Altmeier
It is with gratitude unbounded that I acknowledge the...
Rebecca E. Bedwell
I am very thankful for the many blessings and healings...
Harry H. Waggoner
Teach Me to Love
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Ralph C. Lankler, W. Harold Reid