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Tending His Vineyard
In the Preface to the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddy has written (p. xi), "When God called the author to proclaim His Gospel to this age, there came also the charge to plant and water His vineyard."
Regarding the problems of the children and youth of today, how keenly we recognize the wisdom of our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, in founding the Christian Science Sunday School. How she loved the children, wrote to them, and encouraged them! From the ranks of the Sunday school will come those who must carry forward the great work of demonstrating Christian Science, the work of healing and redeeming mankind.
Perhaps never has the world presented so many counter-attractions to its young people as today. The radio and moving pictures are presenting the material view of existence. What need of the Christian Science Sunday School with teachers equipped to answer and guide the questioning thought! Often pupils enter a class with perplexing problems, trying to reconcile some teaching in the schoolroom to their knowledge of Christian Science. Under the wise guidance of the teacher, with the inspired thought of the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly or the Commandments, the thought of the pupil is guided into straight paths. A right sense of reality is gained as he is able to grasp the simple verities of the teachings of our textbook, or the simple application of the First Commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
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November 4, 1939 issue
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Fact and Fable
The Way Out
Tending His Vineyard
"What went ye out into the wilderness to see?"
The Language of Science
God's Song
At the Rochester Diocesan Conference, at Caxton Hall,...
Lt.-Col. Robert E. Key, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland
The coupling of Unity to Christian Science "as a sort of...
J. Simmons Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Nebraska
In a recent issue of Rogaland there appears an attack on...
Nils A. T. Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway
A résumé of a sermon that appeared in a recent issue...
Louis N. Denniston, Committee on Publication for the State of Connecticut
Things of Importance
Duncan Sinclair
That Which Must Be Learned
Evelyn F. Heywood
The Lectures
with contributions from Thomas E. Hurley, Marie Baldy, Peter V. Ross, Florence S. Smith, Robert Stanley Ross, Elizabeth D. Bigheart, William Duncan Kilpatrick, Winifred Borsom, Hermann S. Hering, Annie Haug, Lucia C. Coulson, Norah D. Robson
With a heart full of gratitude to God, to Christian Science,...
Julia E. Smith with contributions from Stella Smith Warner
It is with a heart overflowing with joy that I write this...
Evelyn Thorburn
It is with the desire to help others as I have been helped...
Olive M. Ziegler with contributions from Gordon L. Ziegler
I began studying Christian Science in 1914, after the...
Minnie Cuthbertson
I am profoundly grateful for Christian Science
Albert J. Altmeier
It is with gratitude unbounded that I acknowledge the...
Rebecca E. Bedwell
I am very thankful for the many blessings and healings...
Harry H. Waggoner
Teach Me to Love
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Ralph C. Lankler, W. Harold Reid