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Commanding the Situation
"You command the situation," writes Mrs. Eddy, "if you understand that mortal existence is a state of self-deception and not the truth of being" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 403). An arresting sentence, that; one which causes us to pause and think! What is the situation to which she refers? The word "situation," as it is here employed, pertains to every untoward condition which may present itself to human consciousness—sickness, sin, accident, lack, human will power, or any other form of inharmony.
Do Mrs. Eddy's words quoted above then mean that every inharmonious condition is capable of correction by the understanding that it is "not the truth of being," or, in other words, that it is unreal? They do. If we believe that inharmony is real; if we believe that a material or mortal sense of existence is real, we are deceived—we are believing that to be true which is false, utterly opposed to reality or Truth. But if we understand inharmony or a material or mortal sense of existence to be false, we can reject the suggestion, and thus command the situation.
But someone who does not understand the teaching of Christian Science may say: That is unbelievable. Do not I sometimes experience sickness? Do not I often see evil active in human lives? Am I not aware of the fact that accidents sometimes befall people? Are there not many who suffer from poverty or lack? Are not sorrow and unhappiness the lot of many? To all of which Christian Science replies: Sickness, sin, accident, poverty, sorrow may seem actual, real, or true to material sense, but they do not belong to real being, they are not of God; therefore they are unreal.
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March 13, 1937 issue
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Master, or Servant?
Another Commandment
The Right Thinker
True Warfare, the Way to Peace
The Infinity of God
"The world has need of you"
The station announcer said: Good afternoon, Ladies and...
Church of the Air" talk over Columbia Broadcasting System, by B. Palmer Lewis,
Commanding the Situation
Duncan Sinclair
Now, not Later
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Matilde Schilske, M. William Chaney
For nearly twenty years I have been studying the teachings...
Käthy Schoch with contributions from Jakob Schoch
On page 3 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Claribel C. Lisk
My gratitude for Christian Science can never be measured...
Genevieve L. Markstein
It is because I have received so much help from testimonies...
Florence I. Edwards
I have been a student of Christian Science for over six...
Milton Robert Cornish
I am giving my testimony with deepest gratitude for...
Edward Edwards
During many years' study of Christian Science I have...
Lenore Vance Rix
It is with a heart full of gratitude for what Christian Science...
Eva Pike Donnell
Although I had always been interested in religion, I did...
Gladys K. deL. Hume
I wish to express my gratitude for the many blessings I...
Mary B. Norton
Taking Offense
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Nicholas Murray Butler, Francis B. Sayre, Rpse Blair Marsh, B. E. Watson, August Pohlman, Frank M. Selover, Superior Judge White