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[Original testimony in German]
In deep gratitude to God I should like to tell how wonderfully...
In deep gratitude to God I should like to tell how wonderfully He led us to Christian Science and helped us in instances of extreme need.
About sixteen years ago my mother became very ill with tuberculosis. For five years we tried everything that we thought might be beneficial, but without any success. She suffered severe pain day and night. When a relative brought us the message of Christian Science, we had no confidence in it at first, through lack of understanding, and accordingly could receive no help. But when death was apparently near at hand, we woke up and turned to a practitioner. With the first treatment my mother recovered and was able to get up and gradually resume her work. Since that time we have never again used material means, for God says, "I am the Lord that healeth thee."
In applying Christian Science at the time of an accident in 1925, I experienced God's wonderful guidance. One winter morning when I was making the trip to the village by sled, I ran into an automobile and was badly hurt. However, I got up immediately, holding firmly in thought the words of the ninety-first Psalm, also these statements by Mrs. Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (pp. 424, 567): "Accident are unknown to God, or immortal Mind," and, "To infinite, ever-present Love, all is Love." Thus Love is all there is, and only Love can govern man. I felt no pain, although my face was badly disfigured and swollen; also the left knee was injured. My desire was for Christian Science treatment, which was lovingly given me by a practitioner; and in a few days I had completely recovered, to the considerable surprise of the physician who had at first been summoned against my wishes; he said that he had never seen anything so wonderful in many years' practice. For this experience I am deeply grateful to God and to Christian Science. I am also very grateful to have had the opportunity of attending the Sunday school for four years before reaching the age of twenty, a privilege which is still bringing me great blessing.
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April 13, 1935 issue
View Issue-
"Be ye therefore perfect"
The Call to Come Up Higher
Measuring Ourselves
Solving Problems
Church Membership
The Good Shepherd
Kindly permit the correction of a mistaken implication...
B. Howard Grigsby, Committee on Publication for Ceylon,
May I ask you to give space in your esteemed paper to...
Miss Margot Emma Frey, Assistant Committee on Publication for Estonia,
In your issue of Monday last appears the report of an...
B. Tatham Woodhead, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
Human will power is closely associated with hypnotic...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Invitation and Promise
Springtime Renewals
Violet Ker Seymer
Our Impersonal Practitioner
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Henry F. Bultitude
I am indeed grateful to God, and to Mary Baker Eddy,...
Clarence E. Rader
After enjoying many blessings through the study of...
Constance Dulcie Roche
Many beautiful healings and other experiences have...
Roy Arthur Lewis
Having received so many blessings from Christian Science,...
Catherine Brown
My interest in Christian Science was not aroused...
Gladys Brown
I am grateful for the wonderful healing I received a few...
Anna A. Stiegler
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science and...
Van Willard Tyler with contributions from Frances Erwin Tyler
When a very young student of Christian Science I was...
Jessie Ackerman
So many blessings have come to me through Christian Science...
Pièrre Remington
God Is All
Signs of the Times
with contributions from J. H. Ward, Harry Emerson Fosdick, Isaac Ogden Rankin, Ralph Tyler Flewelling, S. A. Campbell, J. L. Newland, J. H. MacConnell