those quiet moments when the clamor of the world is less insistent, it is well to look at some of the motives that impel our pursuits and aims, and to ask ourselves, Are they worth while?
is a quality that mortals are rather inclined to look upon as a human trait which a person simply has or has not; and because lack of it is not considered to be a failing of great importance, its presence or absence in ourselves or others is usually somewhat ignored without any serious thought being given to it.
Mary Baker Eddy,
the beloved Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, mindful of the place children and young people rightfully occupy in this worldwide movement, included <a class="tome-reference"
can I want more than I have of good,Since Love my Shepherd is, and I the sheepThat, though it wanders, seeketh still the roadWhere all the flock of His their feet should keep?
B. Howard Grigsby, Committee on Publication for Ceylon,
Kindly permit the correction of a mistaken implication concerning the teachings of Christian Science appearing in an article on superstition and faith healing.
B. Tatham Woodhead, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
In your issue of Monday last appears the report of an address on Christian Science, which expresses certain misconceptions of the subject; so I beg the courtesy of your columns to correct any false impression that may have been conveyed.
unto me! Thus does the Christ inviteNot those alone who heard the words of old,But they who, meekly, yet with courage bold,Accept, and, leaving all, receive God's light.
The terms of office of Readers in branch churches, and the eligibility of members for election to the Readership, are subjects which interest many church members, especially when elections are approaching.
I am indeed grateful to God, and to Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, for the revelation of the truth she has given us through the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
After enjoying many blessings through the study of Christian Science, I feel it is more than time to add my grateful testimony to the thousands already published.
Having received so many blessings from Christian Science, I feel it is a joy and privilege to express in words something of what this Science has done for me.
My interest in Christian Science was not aroused through any instance of physical healing, as I was in good health; but from childhood my questionings in regard to God and the universe were so insistent that I sat up many nights arguing with imaginary opponents about God and all that I saw around me.
When a very young student of Christian Science I was visiting in a distant city where the weather seemed so warm that it was the subject of conversation for several days.
me to give today from out the storeThat Thou hast given me; help me to soarAbove the sordid things that seem to claim my day;Help me to be about Thy business sweet, to watch and pray;Thy peace apparent in the morning hush, the robin's song,Help me to keep within my heart the whole day long.
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