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It is difficult to express what I owe to Christian Science
It is difficult to express what I owe to Christian Science. When I first heard of this teaching I was unhappy in my work, subject to frequent bad attacks of depression and outbursts of temper, and generally was in a serious nervous condition. After studying Science and Health for a while, I realized that Christian Science was the truth for which I had been seeking. The beautiful teachings of the nothingness of evil and matter, of the allness of God, Life, Truth, Love, and of man, spiritual and perfect, the image and likeness of God, gave me a wonderful happiness and peace of mind. The nervous condition gradually fell away from me, and at the same time I was able to give up smoking, after being a heavy smoker for ten years.
As the conditions under which I worked were most uncongenial, I sought the help of a practitioner, and as a result of this help and my further study of the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's works, the conditions rapidly improved, until finally, as my understanding of man and his work unfolded a little more, the conditions became harmonious and happy. All through the recent depression, although the staff was reduced by fifty per cent and men with better academic qualifications than I have were dismissed, I held my position. When the future appeared very black indeed, harder study resulted in an unexpected offer of a position of greater responsibility and security than I might have expected for years to come even in normal times.
Christian Science has been of inestimable value to me in my profession; and in this connection I should like to express my gratitude for The Christian Science Monitor, many articles in which have been invaluable as a basis for much of my work as a schoolteacher. I have also been healed in three days, with the help of a practitioner, of a dangerous condition of the throat, and the study of Science and Health has cured me of lumbago and constipation, and of many faults of character.
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March 30, 1935 issue
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Law and Liberty
The Meaning of Spirituality
Spiritual Ideas Give Daily Supplies
One Divine Dictator
The College Boy or Girl
They Have Been with Jesus
In your issue of the fourth instant you published an...
Alfred Johnson, former Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
As a reply to the article attacking Christian Science reprinted...
Miss Maude A. Law, Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
The writer of the article "Church Review" in the Oberländisches Volksblatt...
Meinrad Schnewlin, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
From a letter that appeared in your issue of September...
William Wallace Porter, Committee on Publication for New York,
Practical Science
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Lawrence H. Dinsch, Mary Vandermark
It is difficult to express what I owe to Christian Science
Leslie C. Bell
Profound gratitude for Christian Science impels me to...
Madeline Ketchum
When I first began the study of Christian Science, about...
Samuel F. Kellogg
It is with profound reverence and love for God and...
Maude Salisbury
My heart goes out in gratitude to God for many blessings...
Mabel M. Hinks-Edwards
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Alexandera Bobrikova Crichton
In 1922 I was stricken with a general breakdown which...
Mark G. Fields
In search of a satisfying religion, rather than of physical...
Etta Mae Hoagland
How differently I think of things since I became a...
Mina C. Robinson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Edmund B. Chaffee, Kirby Page, Arthur E. Briggs, Alice Frost Lord