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In search of a satisfying religion, rather than of physical...
In search of a satisfying religion, rather than of physical healing, I became interested in Christian Science about seven years ago. I was particularly impressed with the simplicity of the first Sunday morning church service I attended, and with the peace, confidence, and inspiration that each one present seemed to receive. Gradually I lost all interest in the church of which I was then a member, and began attending regularly the services of a Christian Science branch church.
The testimonies of healing at the Wednesday meetings were at first difficult to accept, but I soon realized that these spontaneous testimonies, which were given with so much earnestness and gratitude, must be true. My desire then was to know more about this religion that was able to heal all manner of physical discord. Our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, states in Science and Health (p. 1), "Desire is prayer"; and my prayer was answered when, several months later, I had the opportunity of proving that Christian Science could heal me. I awakened during the night in considerable pain. I had had similar experiences in the past, and had tried many material remedies without relief. On this occasion, however, a Christian Science practitioner was asked to give treatment, and within an hour I was free of all pain and able to sleep peacefully. I have always been grateful for that healing, and grateful that the condition was overcome quickly, because the proof meant so much to me at the time and has strenghtened me in trials I later experienced. These trials, I have found, are "proofs of God's care," as our Leader assures us on page 66 of Science and Health.
I experienced a beautiful healing at the birth of a son. The child, now more than five years old, has had numerous healings; and every day we have cause to be grateful to Christian Science for the understanding it has given us of God, and of man's relation to Him. The child was completely healed of injuries to his face, including the right eye, resulting from two severe falls. He has also been healed of whooping cough, an abscess in one ear, and of other physical difficulties. We are grateful for the helpful influence of his attendance in a Christian Science Sunday School.
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March 30, 1935 issue
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Law and Liberty
The Meaning of Spirituality
Spiritual Ideas Give Daily Supplies
One Divine Dictator
The College Boy or Girl
They Have Been with Jesus
In your issue of the fourth instant you published an...
Alfred Johnson, former Committee on Publication for Yorkshire, England,
As a reply to the article attacking Christian Science reprinted...
Miss Maude A. Law, Committee on Publication for Barbados, British West Indies,
The writer of the article "Church Review" in the Oberländisches Volksblatt...
Meinrad Schnewlin, Committee on Publication for German-speaking Switzerland,
From a letter that appeared in your issue of September...
William Wallace Porter, Committee on Publication for New York,
Practical Science
Duncan Sinclair
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Lawrence H. Dinsch, Mary Vandermark
It is difficult to express what I owe to Christian Science
Leslie C. Bell
Profound gratitude for Christian Science impels me to...
Madeline Ketchum
When I first began the study of Christian Science, about...
Samuel F. Kellogg
It is with profound reverence and love for God and...
Maude Salisbury
My heart goes out in gratitude to God for many blessings...
Mabel M. Hinks-Edwards
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Alexandera Bobrikova Crichton
In 1922 I was stricken with a general breakdown which...
Mark G. Fields
In search of a satisfying religion, rather than of physical...
Etta Mae Hoagland
How differently I think of things since I became a...
Mina C. Robinson
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Edmund B. Chaffee, Kirby Page, Arthur E. Briggs, Alice Frost Lord