Our Watchword

Those who mistakenly believe that Christian Science is merely a mental method of healing the sick will learn that such a belief is erroneous, and also will see something of the great demand and broad application of this religion indicated in Mrs. Eddy's words in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 239): "The watchword of Christian Science is Scriptural: 'Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts.' " Somewhat of the deep significance of this will be seen when it is remembered that a watchword is a sentiment embodying a guide to action. That is exactly what this watchword amounts to with Christian Scientists; it is a guide to our thoughts, motives, aims, and actions, directing us to the goal of perfection pointed by our Way-shower, Christ Jesus, in these words: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."

For many centuries men have been admonished to cease sinning, and the moral effect upon the world of such preaching has been great; this, in spite of the fact that with all too many people sin and Satan have been pictured as real, influential, and even capable of bestowing pleasure and satisfaction. In many instances the motive of fear has been employed to induce men to forsake sin; they have been threatened with everlasting punishment in the hereafter at the hands of a terrible devil, who, they have been told, has the sanction of God. But it has been found that one who refrains from wrongdoing because of fear of consequences is neither safe from temptation nor is he dependable as a religionist.

By means of the combined light of reason and revelation which Christian Science affords, the sure and satisfying way of overcoming sin and all evil is made plain and available. The appeal of this Science to reason, which is found to coincide with revelation, is based upon the inspired Scriptural teaching regarding God. We learn that the infinite creator of the universe, including man, is necessarily good in nature and expression; divine Principle or Truth, the source of all that is true, is good in manifestation as in Being. Therefore evil—including sin, disease, and death—is no part of the infinite and true creation which bespeaks divine Love and its harmonious government. This teaching conforms to Christ Jesus' declaration recorded in the eighth chapter of John's Gospel, to the effect that the devil, or evil, is a self-constituted falsity—"for he is a liar, and the father of it."

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Items of Interest
Items of Interest
September 29, 1934

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