described the performance of her laundry duties on one hot summer day by saying, "As I worked, I sang to myself a song from the Christian Science Hymnal:
of Christian Science may sometimes feel that because of a lack of educational advantages in their earlier years they are hampered in their efforts to grasp and apply the teachings of Christian Science.
translator gives the thirtieth verse of the twenty-second chapter of II Samuel thus: "By thy help I can face a troop, by God's help I can leap a wall.
C. Shelton Agar, Committee on Publication for Natal, South Africa,
I shall be glad if you will allow me space to correct a brief but important reference to Christian Science contained in the last paragraph of a letter appearing in your issue of Thursday.
who mistakenly believe that Christian Science is merely a mental method of healing the sick will learn that such a belief is erroneous, and also will see something of the great demand and broad application of this religion indicated in Mrs.
At all times the privilege of applying for membership in The Mother Church is open, and application blanks and information are readily supplied by the Clerk of The Mother Church, by the clerks of the branch churches, by the librarians of branch church Reading Rooms, and by practitioners and teachers of Christian Science.
I have received much help from the reading of testimonies in the Sentinel and Journal and should like at this time to give thanks and express gratitude for healings received through the study and application of Christian Science.
My first proof of the truth of Christian Science was the instantaneous healing of an internal trouble for which years of medical treatment, including a minor operation, had brought little relief.
My first healing occurred many years ago, at which time Christian Science was little heard of in my home town, and previous to this time I had only heard it ridiculed.
Over twenty years ago I became interested in Christian Science, not because of any thought that healing was needed, but rather because of the hope that God might be explained in an understandable and acceptable way.
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