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My first proof of the truth of Christian Science was the...
My first proof of the truth of Christian Science was the instantaneous healing of an internal trouble for which years of medical treatment, including a minor operation, had brought little relief. At this time I knew scarcely anything of the teaching of Christian Science. I was attending a Sunday morning service and was feeling so ill that when the second hymn was announced I did not know how I should be able to stand through it. I must have done so, however, and after the service I walked home two miles, but it was three months before I realized that from that moment in church the whole condition had been completely removed.
About five years ago I awakened one morning with what I thought was a stiff neck, but at the end of week the pain, which was intense, had settled in my right shoulder. I went on for several weeks, studying and holding to the truth as best I could. When I first used the arm in the morning tears came with the effort. Before I got up I would repeat the Lord's Prayer, trying especially to hold to the spiritual interpretation as given in Science and Health (pp. 16, 17). I do not know when the healing came, for I only remembered it when someone described a certain type of rheumatism. I mention these two healings because I was one of those who at first scoffed at the idea that pain could be so completely removed from consciousness that it could be forgotten.
One night when I was filling a large hot water bottle with boiling water the bottle fell on to a stone floor and broke, badly scalding my feet and legs. Supporting myself against a heavy piece of furniture, I repeated over and over "the scientific statement of being" from page 468 of the textbook, and also the statement on page 393 that "your body would suffer no more from tension or wounds than the trunk of a tree which you gash or the electric wire which you stretch, were it not for mortal mind." I resisted the temptation to remove my shoes and stockings, for I thought, If there is no sensation in matter, why trouble? I finally managed to finish what I had to do. At that time I seemed to be suffering from sleeplessness, and the thought of what a terrible night I should have kept creeping in. I went to bed, and the next thing I knew it was morning and time to get up. I felt bright and happy, there was no pain, and I jumped out of bed completely healed. There was not even a mark left to show what had occurred.
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September 29, 1934 issue
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Man's Divine Heritage
"I am grateful"
Atmosphere of Right Thinking
Righteous Aspirations
God's Help Needed
On Upward Wing
A correspondent writing in a recent issue of your paper...
B. Tatham Woodhead, Committee on Publication for Lancashire, England,
In a recent issue of the Press appeared a summarized...
Merrill M. Hutchinson, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
I shall be glad if you will allow me space to correct a...
C. Shelton Agar, Committee on Publication for Natal, South Africa,
"Walk in the Spirit"
Duncan Sinclair
Our Watchword
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Percy E. Dewing, Rufus Ira Andrews, Georgie Bickerton, Arthur P. DeCamp
I have received much help from the reading of testimonies...
Frederick Kenton
It is with a deep sense of gratitude for what Christian Science...
Edna M. Gilbertson with contributions from R. E. Gilbertson
My first proof of the truth of Christian Science was the...
J. M. Josephine Page
My first healing occurred many years ago, at which time...
Lillie D. Storm
Over twenty years ago I became interested in Christian Science...
Chas. G. Johnston
I am grateful that upon my first hearing of Christian Science...
Norma Ethel Evans
A very convincing proof of the power of God to heal the...
Albert Whiting Wasey
Love Here
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Ford Gilbert, K. Shimizu, Adna W. Leonard, Carl S. Patton, James Reid, D. Anthony H. Evans, Arthur Wilde