"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with...

"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee." This statement from Isaiah was proved to me in a most wonderful way at a time when I was thrown down by a heavy truck and rendered physically helpless with a seriously injured knee, the right wrist badly broken and twisted, the ligaments over the ribs torn, and a puncture of a lung which caused great difficulty in breathing. I was conscious only that God is my Life. As I clung steadfastly to this statement the breathing became easier. Refusing medical care which was offered me, I asked to be taken home.

The utmost confidence was born in my thought as I recognized that a Christian Science practitioner was present, who helped to take me home. This proved to me conclusively another of God's promises, "Before they call, I will answer." While medical thought was declaring, You have something to prove, I declared, I have something with which to prove it. Because I was so assured of this as I was being taken home I found that in this hour of need I was very definitely recognizing that as I had been faithful in the past I could rest assured now in God's loving care; for had He not so promised?

Though sense-testimony presented a wrecked body, I was at peace, rejoicing in the absence of the fear that I know would have been mine had it not been for the understanding of the truth about God and man's relationship to Him I had gained through the study of Christian Science. I seemed to be conscious only of God as Life and of the fact that this experience was no part of my real selfhood.

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Testimony of Healing
I feel that the time has arrived for me to send in my...
September 1, 1934

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