Over fifteen years ago Christian Science was first presented...

Over fifteen years ago Christian Science was first presented to me, and there was much in its teachings that attracted me from the outset. Some surrender, however, had to be made before I could begin to receive the fullness of its message, and for this I was not then ready. Eighteen months later a very swift decision had to be made in regard to a relative who had been operated upon for cancer, but who had relapsed and was declared by the physician to be beyond human help. I then responded to the call to seek the ministrations of Christian Science, and with the faithful work of a practitioner the patient was up and out in three weeks. This healing has proved permanent.

No theological or other scruples could now stand in my way; and ever since that time it has been my daily desire and effort step by step to learn and apply this Science, defined by its Discoverer and Founder, Mrs. Eddy, as "the law of God, the law of good, interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony" (Rudimental Divine Science, p. 1). Almost immediately, longstanding valvular weakness in the heart disappeared, and I was and am able to endure physical exertion that previously had been nearly impossible; also glasses worn for ten years for astigmatism were laid aside and tobacco given up. The note that was struck in my thinking almost from the first was that Christian Science is the religion of fulfillment. Christian Science answered my questions, dissolved my doubts, and proved itself to be the fulfillment of the promises of olden time.

An outstanding healing was that of poisoning on a ring finger. Here again Christian Science treatment was asked for, with the result that the swelling was very quickly localized and the pain much lessened. Then for a time little progress seemed to be made; the discharge continued and the sense of constriction caused by the ring became severe. An effort was made to have the ring removed, but this was found to be too formidable a procedure. Late one night it came to the practitioner that neither a gold ring nor matter in any form could possibly defeat omnipotence or prevent or obstruct the demonstration of harmonious being. The next morning, before any communication was made from practitioner to patient, all offensive matter was washed away, leaving a clean cavity which quickly healed without the necessity for the removal of the ring. Warm water and clean linen only were used; and the performance of every duty was continued while the demonstration was being made.

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Testimony of Healing
My first healing in Christian Science was of total deafness
September 1, 1934

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