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In the first two lines of the Preface to Science and Health...
In the first two lines of the Preface to Science and Health are these words: "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings." I realize their import more and more each day. Christian Science was presented to me by a dear friend about five years ago. Since that time we have indeed been blessed. It is with deep gratitude to God that I now testify to what it has done. At the time of hearing of Christian Science I was in normal health; but a year later I needed its help very much for the overcoming of rheumatoid arthritis. I was helpless and bowed together, and could neither eat nor sleep. My limbs were hard and swollen, and almost twice their normal size, and I experienced continual and intense suffering.
All my people, including my husband, were antagonistic toward what they believed Christian Science to be, and all rained down abuse upon it. I did not condemn them in any way for their state of thinking, but trusted that in time, when they really knew what its teaching is, they might think more kindly of it. Finally I asked them to leave me quite alone, as I knew I should get along better. From the beginning I knew I was going to take an honest and radical stand for Christian Science. I studied the Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly each day, and read other Science literature which my friend used to leave with me, but still I did not seem to make any headway. I did not despair, however; I knew that Christian Science is true and that I should be healed. At this stage a practitioner was called in, and in a very short while I was healed. Needless to say, this healing brought great joy to all. We have had other proofs that this blessed truth does indeed heal.
One night our little boy appeared to be very ill; there was high fever, and he was delirious. I would not entertain one thought of fear at the time, although I was alone, but I just realized God's presence then and there, knowing that He is always at hand and that His children are never separated from Him for one minute. I sang our dear Leader's beautiful hymn beginning, "O gentle presence" (Poems, pp. 4, 5), and in ten minutes' time the child was well and talking rationally.
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May 12, 1934 issue
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The Expressed Desire
"The bridegroom cometh"
Taming the Tongue
The Celestial Visitants
"Coming and going"
Natural Ability
When I Pray
An advertisement in Saturday's Times mentioned a book...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Your issue of October 6 carries some statements in regard...
Oscar R. Porter, Jr., Committee on Publication for the State of North Carolina,
May I again ask the courtesy of your columns in order...
Mrs. Winifred M. Hartley, Committee on Publication for Staffordshire, England,
Spiritual Sense
A Ready Ear
Violet Ker Seymer
Why Name Nothing?
W. Stuart Booth
with contributions from Gavin W. Allan, Hendrik Jan de Lange, Paul Stark Seeley, The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles H. Garland, Glenn B. Smith
When Christian Science was first brought to my attention...
Bertha Robinson
It is with the deepest and most sincere gratitude that I...
Pearl L. Pinkerton with contributions from Clorise Pinkerton Hartford, R. M. Pinkerton
"We shall not solve our remaining problems until we are...
Olive Mary Lees
While returning home from school one day, I was brushed...
Milton Everett Detch
Each day I am more humbly grateful for the blessed...
Harriet Frances Seelingson with contributions from A. Eloise Simpson
Ten years ago, when my starving thought seemed about...
Charles G. Bertenshaw
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Clarence Reidenbach, C. Waldo Cherry, Leslie E. Learned, Ralph Welles Keeler, Beatrice E. Green, O. H. Bronson, Zachary, Harry Emerson Fosdick