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A Ready Ear
Referring to Isaiah's prophecy, "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given," our Leader writes (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 166), "This child, or spiritual idea, has evolved a more ready ear for the overture of angels and the scientific understanding of Truth and Love." The Christian Scientist needs to guard his hearing keenly. He needs to entertain every angel, to cherish and obey every inspiring thought that comes to his consciousness, recognizing in it a message of real, spiritual being. Day by day, if he is studious and faithful, there comes to the Christian Scientist the readier hearing, the increased understanding of the spiritual idea of man. Daily he hears more clearly the song of universal salvation.
Naturally this guarding, cherishing, and heeding of the "overture of angels"—scientific thoughts—entails turning what is termed a deaf ear to misconceptions of God and man. In other words, it entails our refusal to entertain any belief of imperfection. The only way to become conscious of spiritual perfection is to dwell upon the perfection of God seen in the perfect image, man. Therefore, so long as hindering beliefs haunt the portals of human consciousness, they must be refused admittance. As this vigilance is maintained, the "child," or spiritual idea, brings to the alert Christian Scientist constantly fresh inspiration and revelation of reality. Whatever is impure, disorderly, weak, or sad is ruled out by "the scientific understanding of Truth and Love," for the "ready ear" listens not to the overtures of aggressive mental suggestion, but to the "overture of angels."
Personal reproof falling upon unwilling ears is unwise and fruitless. But as "an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear." The wise impartations of divine Principle act as a reproof to error whether they reach us through our own study and prayerful meditation or through fellow Christian Scientists, sharing with us what they are learning of the demands and awards of divine Principle. Intercourse between Christian Scientists should always bring a mutual blessing and a higher standard.
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May 12, 1934 issue
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The Expressed Desire
"The bridegroom cometh"
Taming the Tongue
The Celestial Visitants
"Coming and going"
Natural Ability
When I Pray
An advertisement in Saturday's Times mentioned a book...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
Your issue of October 6 carries some statements in regard...
Oscar R. Porter, Jr., Committee on Publication for the State of North Carolina,
May I again ask the courtesy of your columns in order...
Mrs. Winifred M. Hartley, Committee on Publication for Staffordshire, England,
Spiritual Sense
A Ready Ear
Violet Ker Seymer
Why Name Nothing?
W. Stuart Booth
with contributions from Gavin W. Allan, Hendrik Jan de Lange, Paul Stark Seeley, The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles H. Garland, Glenn B. Smith
When Christian Science was first brought to my attention...
Bertha Robinson
It is with the deepest and most sincere gratitude that I...
Pearl L. Pinkerton with contributions from Clorise Pinkerton Hartford, R. M. Pinkerton
"We shall not solve our remaining problems until we are...
Olive Mary Lees
While returning home from school one day, I was brushed...
Milton Everett Detch
Each day I am more humbly grateful for the blessed...
Harriet Frances Seelingson with contributions from A. Eloise Simpson
Ten years ago, when my starving thought seemed about...
Charles G. Bertenshaw
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Clarence Reidenbach, C. Waldo Cherry, Leslie E. Learned, Ralph Welles Keeler, Beatrice E. Green, O. H. Bronson, Zachary, Harry Emerson Fosdick