While I was living in a far western state, Christian Science...

While I was living in a far western state, Christian Science was brought to my attention by a sister residing in the East who sent me a copy of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I soon returned the book to her with the comment that I thought she was extremely foolish and quite peculiar to have taken up such absurdities as were being taught by Mrs. Eddy. I felt that I knew all about Christian Science, and all about Mrs. Eddy, as I had been reading some very unfriendly criticisms and articles which were then being published in the current magazines. It was again brought to my attention by my brother, who had been healed, and this time I gave it more heed. We purchased a copy of Science and Health and a Christian Science Quarterly, subscribed for the Journal and Sentinel, and began to study in earnest. I was particularly blessed in that my wife was also very desirous of learning more about this religion, as we both were much in need of help. Soon we had a reason for the faith that was in us regarding this new-old religion. We identified ourselves with a very small group that met in a private home to read the Lesson-Sermons from the Quarterly. This group later moved to a lodge hall, which move ultimated in the purchase of a lot and the building of the first Christian Science church edifice in that state.

Words and space are inadequate to express my gratitude for the many benefits received from my study and application of Christian Science. I smoked a great deal. I soon began to feel I should not smoke while reading the textbook or our Christian Science literature, but should confine my smoking to times when I was doing other reading. Soon my cigars did not taste right. I changed brands many times, but there was still something wrong. I purchased a pipe and tried it, and this too failed. I again returned to my cigars, but one evening after dinner I attempted to light one and it was so nauseating that I awakened to the fact that I was healed. I have not smoked or used tobacco nor desired any since that time, about twenty years ago.

A number of years ago the starter on my motor car failed to work, which necessitated my using the crank. As I was not familiar with the mechanical necessities, the motor backfired, breaking both bones in my right arm just above the wrist. A Christian Science practitioner was called for help, and with this and the splendid work of my wife, who was with me, the bones were set by a physician without the slightest pain, although I had been told that it would be most painful. I drove the car to my home, a distance of eighteen miles. I attended to all my usual duties at my office the following day, and during the night, twenty-six hours after the occurrence, I took off all the splints and bandages and was completely healed. The physician was so interested in this healing that he wanted an X-ray picture, which was taken, showing that the bones had been broken but were perfectly knitted together.

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Testimony of Healing
It is a joy and privilege to share with others the blessings...
May 20, 1933

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