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I wish to express my gratitude for all that Christian Science...
I wish to express my gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me. I have been healed of many physical disorders, such as frequent and serious attacks of sciatica, torn ligaments resulting from overreaching and strain, general debility, severe colds, and serious intestinal trouble. I have very quickly overcome effects of accident of different kinds, and have also been healed of grief, sorrow, and a sense of separation and loneliness. My old concept of home having been swept away from me, I am learning the true and higher idea of home and family, and am finding peace, love, and companionship through this unfoldment. Health, harmony, friends, and financial supply have come to me through the understanding that Christian Science gives us of the source and nature of all supply. In "No and Yes" (p. 42) Mrs. Eddy says, "The divine Spirit supplies all human needs."
I am deeply grateful for the help I have received from practitioners and loving friends, also for many benefits from class instruction. I am also grateful for our wonderful literature, in which we find something to help us in solving our every problem. Through the teaching of Christian Science I have gained a better understanding of God as Love, the one creator; of man in His image and likeness; of the ever-presence of the Christ, Truth, healing and redeeming mankind from all the ills of the flesh. I am deeply grateful to our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for her consecration to God and purity of purpose which enabled her to restore this great truth to this age.—(Mrs.) Sarah Mignowitz Neale, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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May 20, 1933 issue
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Perfection a Present Fact
"Mind the light!"
"Go ye ... into the highways"
The Power of Prayer
Church Membership
Right Thinking
The author of the booklet, as quoted by "Pew" in a recent...
Miss Alice E. Rose, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
An article in your issue of September 17 spoke courteously...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
In the New Testament records our Master, Christ Jesus...
John A. C. Fraser, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
Morgenavisen of the 13th inst. contains a report of a...
Nils A. T. Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway,
About twenty years ago, during a period when disorders...
From an address delivered by Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication, before the Young People's Forum of Bethany Presbyterian Church in Chicago,
Release from Snares
Violet Ker Seymer
Persuasive Preaching
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from George S. Hart, Harold B. Lopaus
In the years that have followed my first healing in Christian Science...
Caroline M. Sturges
My family and I have received many blessings from the...
Christian Jordan
I have received so much help and encouragement from...
Elizabeth M. Graham
I wish to express my gratitude for all that Christian Science...
Sarah Mignowitz Neale
While I was living in a far western state, Christian Science...
John G. Spangler
It is a joy and privilege to share with others the blessings...
Hilda A. Davies
I feel it a duty and a privilege to express my gratitude...
Maude Stuart Hack
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Clement C. Hoyler, Richard Roberts, Winfred Rhoades, P. J. McLean