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In the year 1895 Mary Baker Eddy ordained the Bible...
Sheridan News
In the year 1895 Mary Baker Eddy ordained the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," to be the only pastor of all Christian Science churches. Since that time we have had no personal pastors, these books being our only preachers. The Christian Science Publishing Society maintains in Boston a Committee on Bible Lessons which prepares for each Sunday a Bible Lesson composed of citations from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook. This Lesson-Sermon, which is read by twoReaders in every Christian Science service throughout the world, is our only sermon.
Of all the sermons ever uttered on earth, the one that stands supreme is Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. It is the very essence of Christianity, of Christian Science, of true spirituality. It inculcates every precept, obedience to which would establish the universal brotherhood of man. It includes an injunction, known in every land as the Golden Rule, which, if obeyed in the degree it so richly merits, would revolutionize business activity, social conduct, and all the affairs and relations of mankind. Of this sermon Mrs. Eddy has said (Message to The Mother Church for 1901, p. 11), "To my sense the Sermon on the Mount, read each Sunday without comment and obeyed throughout the week, would be enough for Christian practice." How fraught with vital meaning the word "obeyed"! Without obedience all the commands, admonitions, or prohibitions that ever fell from wise lips prompted by a consecrated heart would be as useless as soil without water. Jesus dignified and glorified his teachings by implicit obedience thereto, and of all his followers none has followed his example with fuller measure of faithfulness and consecration than Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
The topics for the Bible Lessons in Christian Science churches were selected by Mrs. Eddy. They unfold the fundamental teachings of Christianity and are designed to bring the healing power of the Christ, Truth to human consciousness. As a result, healings of sickness, poverty, sin, and other human ills are frequent at Christian Science services. Some of the topics of the Lesson-Sermons are as follows: "God," "Sacrament," "Spirit," "Love," "Christ Jesus," "Mind," "Man," "Substance," "Matter," "Reality." Of these Bible Lessons Mrs. Eddy says in the Explanatory Note in the Christian Science Quarterly that they "constitute a sermon undivorced from truth, uncontaminated and unfettered by human hypotheses, and divinely authorized."
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December 3, 1932 issue
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Permanency of Good
The Foundations of Fellowship
Expression versus Depression
Instantaneous Healing
Song Service
Our Daily Bread
In reply to a correspondent writing in your issue of January 9,...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
In the year 1895 Mary Baker Eddy ordained the Bible...
Clyde Johnson, former Committee on Publication for the State of Wyoming,
My attention has been called to the "Boonastiel Pennsylvania Dutch"...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
Love Never Fails
Love's Liberation
W. Stuart Booth
Coming Forth
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Edith Lamar Burch, Marius Edouard Gillieron, James Potter Brown, Sidney C. Fuld
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I write this testimony
Lillian F. Ryde with contributions from Garnet Howard Ryde
Christian Science help was given my mother at the time...
W. Horace Whittemore
About sixteen years ago I was healed of tonsillitis through...
Leona Weston with contributions from Horace F. Weston
Since becoming interested in Christian Science I have...
Mary E. W. Wilkinson
At a time when nearly all the conversation one hears is...
Dona I. Hobart with contributions from Martha L. Brown
With a thankful heart I, too, want to tell of the blessings...
Jakob Bachmann-Wartmann
With sincere gratitude to our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy,...
Bessie C. Blankenship
When Truth Shines for You
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James Reid, Bruce S. Wright, Correspondent