In your publication, issued on August 13, there appears...


In your publication, issued on August 13, there appears an article entitled "Prohibited Certainties," containing the statement that "a brand of religion which simply wills that no malady exists has come to be remarkably popular." While the author of this article does not specifically mention Christian Science, it is apparent that the reference is to this religion.

In the interest of fairness, I would appreciate space in your publication to correct the inference of the statement so that there may be no misunderstanding.

It was formerly quite popular to attribute the results of the practical application of the teachings of Christian Science to will-power, to mental suggestion, and to other forms of mesmerism. Yet as a matter of fact none of these has any place in the practice of this religion. Christian Science treatment is prayer, even as all Christian are enjoined by the blessed Master, Christ Jesus, to pray in his name. The results speak for the effectiveness of prayer.

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