In March, 1928, as I was stepping into a street car, I...

In March, 1928, as I was stepping into a street car, I fell backward with full force on one of the iron buttons which mark a place for pedestrians in the street. My right hand and wrist were badly injured. I did not bandage them or even wrap them up; I left the problem entirely with God, and the result was a permanent healing. I worked mentally as best I could under a sense of intense pain. For two nights I retired fully dressed, as I found it impossible to get my clothes off, and there was no one to assist me. The next day was Sunday. I taught my class in Sunday School and played the hymns, and in the afternoon I went to a Christian Science lecture. I am more than grateful for the loving help that was given me day and night by a practitioner all through this experience. I am thankful to say that I was able to continue to do my work as a music teacher from the day of the injury.

I am so grateful to our Father God for all the rich blessings that I have received through the little understanding I have of Christian Science; also to Mrs. Eddy for giving this practical religion to the world. I am very grateful for the privilege of being a member of The Mother Church and of a branch church.—(Miss) Stella Hilda Bertram, San Francisco, California.

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Testimony of Healing
More than twenty-one years have passed since a dear...
March 21, 1931

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