A deep sense of gratitude for what Christian Science has...

A deep sense of gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me impels me to give this testimony. Christian Science came to me at a time when I was in dire need, and healed me of deep grief after an only child had passed on. For a long time I suffered such intense grief that it seemed as though I would lose my reason; and besides this, I was in a serious physical condition. A few weeks after my child passed on I underwent a surgical operation, which seemed to leave me in a much worse condition than before. Then Christian Science came to me, and I was willing to give it a trial.

I purchased a copy of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and the Christian Science Quarterly; studied the Lesson-Sermon everyday; read all the authorized literature that I could get; and obediently did everything that I was told to do. During those first few months I did not get the healing which I sought, the healing of that from which I seemed to suffer most. I did not get that until I wanted to know and to understand God more than I wanted physical healing; but I did have many other healings, and at the end of that time had no desire to turn to anything else for help.

I have had a great many physical healings, among them the overcoming of extreme nervous exhaustion, neuritis, insomnia, and a spinal trouble from which I had suffered a great many years. During the first few weeks after turning to Christian Science I was completely healed of a chronic bowel trouble from which I had suffered all my life, and which at times had given me serious trouble. During that period I was also healed of astigmatism, for which I had worn glasses for ten years. I had been told by three prominent specialists that I would always have to wear them, but I have not felt the need of them since my healing, nearly fifteen years ago. I have been healed of influenza, coughs, colds, the grippe, a chronic tendency to sore throat, and weak lungs.

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Testimony of Healing
I send this testimony in the hope that those suffering...
September 6, 1930

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