It is with a grateful heart that I bear witness to the healing...

It is with a grateful heart that I bear witness to the healing power of Truth. Four years ago our little daughter, then four years old, underwent an operation for appendicitis. She had retained no nourishment for six days, and to mortal sense was in a very serious condition. At this point the doctors held little hope of her recovery; but "man's extremity is God's opportunity."

We knew very little of Christian Science, but our faith in the power of God to heal prompted us to seek a practitioner. A neighbor directed us to a loving worker who relieved us of our fear and declared the truth for our little one. The little daughter, who had learned to think of herself as God's child, was very unhappy in the hospital. The case proved an enigma to the doctors, who felt they could do nothing for her, and after ten days allowed us to take her home. She improved somewhat, but soon the doctors thought it necessary to perform a minor operation. This was not successful, and after a consultation they thought it advisable to take her back to the hospital on the following day for a major operation as she seemed to be sinking rapidly.

During this period my husband, our two elder children and I had been studying Christian Science earnestly and prayerfully. Through this study and with the help of a practitioner we had now obtained some understanding of God's loving care and of man as made in His image and likeness, so that the next morning we were ready to make our demonstration in Science, and we dismissed the doctors and the nurse. In less than one week the little one was out of doors with her playmates.

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Testimony of Healing
In the ten years before Christian Science came into my...
November 1, 1930

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