"I was healed in Christian Science," is a household statement...

Toowoomba Chronicle and Darling Downs Gazette

"I was healed in Christian Science," is a household statement in the world to-day. How many clergymen clergymen called to the sick and the sinning have yearned for such an understanding of God as would enable them to do the healing work as Christ Jesus said all should who followed him "in spirit and in truth"?

Sixty-three years ago there came to the consciousness of a Christian gentlewoman, Mary Baker Eddy, lying on what was expected to be her deathbed, such a revelation that the Christ, Truth, demonstrated and taught by Jesus, was available to her as when the Galilean Prophet walked the globe, that she was immediately healed. After years of studying the Scriptures for the Principle and rules of this healing power of Truth, she gave to the world her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and named her discovery Christian Science.

It was a great mistake to anathematize Christian Science as was done at the Christian Student Conference, as reported in the Toowoomba Chronicle. Had the reverend

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What Do Ye More?
July 20, 1929

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